Questions for AuthPuppy

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Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status
Answered 289274 authpuppy getting started instructions. 2016-03-27 14:16:19 UTC JC Chong Answered
Solved 277161 Login redirection connection refused 2015-12-08 04:15:00 UTC Antonio Herran Solved
Solved 265886 what's the admin user table schema? 2015-04-26 03:13:27 UTC targei Solved
Solved 261379 Can't get SMTP to work (connection could not be established with host localhost) 2015-01-29 11:48:42 UTC Nick Pateman Solved
Solved 260991 Most basic sample 2015-01-20 13:24:26 UTC Nick Pateman Solved
Answered 260758 Install apAuthFacebookPlugin 2015-01-15 11:22:28 UTC sophone Answered
Solved 252480 apAuthLocalUserPlugin.The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". 2014-08-01 02:48:41 UTC chenbaolou Solved
Solved 244691 timeout users 2014-02-27 12:33:16 UTC crdp Solved
Solved 242009 Log 'username' traffic 2014-01-10 11:06:30 UTC dspweb Solved
Solved 241360 Can't get connection status of user logged in from external login through apWebServices 2013-12-28 03:54:25 UTC vrdvaibhav Solved
Solved 241182 Register user from external form 2013-12-23 10:13:18 UTC dspweb Solved
Answered 240792 Facebook Integration 2013-12-14 14:51:39 UTC Bassam KA Answered
Solved 233826 wifidog redirecting user to authpuppy website with all required parameters but showing 404 error page 2013-08-10 14:54:33 UTC kamlesh_bhure Solved
Solved 233147 Getting 404 error /authpuppy/web/install/1 url on shared hosting 2013-07-28 15:20:04 UTC kamlesh_bhure Solved
Solved 229744 Not redirected to auth server 2013-05-28 08:50:55 UTC Benoit Aubert Solved
Solved 225983 Token system 2013-04-05 15:48:37 UTC Raphael druon Solved
Solved 223019 Avoiding administrative login 2013-02-28 00:34:44 UTC Notheros Solved
Solved 222147 No Internet Access and Invalid request path ' ' 2013-02-17 21:11:54 UTC Asoh Frank Senior Solved
Solved 221977 Starting apache2 fails because of authpuppy settings 2013-02-15 17:46:18 UTC Asoh Frank Senior Solved
Solved 221770 Domain redirection 2013-02-13 13:41:50 UTC Notheros Solved
Solved 219083 Allow access without authentication 2013-01-13 17:21:06 UTC Notheros Solved
Solved 219020 Can't register a local user (AuthLocalUser Plugin) 2013-01-12 15:23:09 UTC Matteo Solved
Solved 218001 Unregistered 2012-12-31 17:29:26 UTC Andrei Solved
Solved 214436 Quick question - Doctrine / Authpuppy 2012-11-17 12:37:14 UTC Notheros Solved
Solved 214177 Authpuppy modification - Doctrine Version 2012-11-14 14:12:38 UTC Porval Solved
Answered 213252 For AuthPuppy created Chinese language pack failed 2012-11-04 17:01:31 UTC tony Answered
Solved 212098 Auth server failed to pong! 2012-10-23 15:39:53 UTC Alex Kamil Solved
Open 206454 Owning a authpuppy server 2012-08-21 21:28:14 UTC Andrei Open
Answered 204803 No Internet access after succesfull authentication 2012-08-01 23:44:37 UTC Ronald Luna Answered
Solved 204672 network policies 2012-07-31 14:33:01 UTC deimer grueso Solved
Solved 204492 Since Node is related to the mac adress of the connection 2012-07-29 18:47:44 UTC Andrei Solved
Solved 204360 Airos latest version 2012-07-27 17:56:41 UTC Andrei Solved
Answered 204246 connessione singola per account 2012-07-26 10:00:39 UTC maurizio Answered
Solved 202345 Installation of authpuppy and prerequisites in Debian 2012-07-05 16:36:01 UTC Andrei Solved
Answered 202258 AP, Router, Gateway configuration question 2012-07-04 15:44:20 UTC Andre Halle Answered
Solved 201901 Directory permissions is not very clear 2012-06-30 18:08:24 UTC Andrei Solved
Answered 201760 iOS special signup screen prevention with domain name 2012-06-29 01:14:33 UTC Brian Jessee Answered
Solved 200663 PHP Accelerator - ACL (part of the web based config) 2012-06-17 03:31:53 UTC Andrei Solved
Solved 199774 How to install authpuppy and client in debian host 2012-06-07 23:59:49 UTC deimer grueso Solved
Solved 198084 customise login on apAuthLocalUser 2012-05-22 14:48:56 UTC bumann Solved
Answered 196392 Retrieving AuthLocalUsers info in another plugin 2012-05-07 19:29:28 UTC John Clements Answered
Solved 195595 AuthLocalUser signup with 2012-05-01 21:37:45 UTC John Clements Solved
Solved 188655 Deleting a node from the list 2012-02-23 19:12:27 UTC Brian Converse Solved
Answered 187441 Authentication method-specific application of rule sets 2012-02-10 22:13:50 UTC Bradley Gentry Answered
Solved 187399 Building Firmware 2012-02-10 13:42:02 UTC Brian Converse Solved
Solved 187157 portal page redirect 2012-02-08 08:26:38 UTC K N Solved
Answered 186975 Cannot find proper documentation 2012-02-06 14:56:51 UTC Wynand Jooste Answered
Solved 186953 Server setup on Win7 fails with symfony test 2012-02-06 10:49:31 UTC Wynand Jooste Solved
Solved 186940 Infinite Loop of redirects with apExternalCMS 2012-02-06 08:10:30 UTC K N Solved
Answered 184942 Symfony error 500 when creating an account 2012-01-17 00:51:36 UTC David Aubry Answered
150 of 103 results

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